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The Microcomputer Repairer/Installer Certification Program
Information for classes for the Upcoming Semester
Students of CET1171 - Intro to Microcomputer Service and Maintenance
Students of CET1172C - A+ Hardware Service and Maintenance
Students of CET2176C - Server+ Service and Maintenance
Certification Track for Success
Other Programs New!

Why Get Certified?

According to industry experts, 10 of the top 15 growing jobs in the United States are in the IT field. Information Technology jobs are notoriously difficult to get because the employers require years of experience, but they also require the prospective employees to be certified professionals. With the industry undergoing a strong rebound in numbers and pay scale, now is the perfect time to begin your training toward certification.


Entry level positions are growing in the IT field as fast as "seasoned" positions. As existing workers in the field advance they are leaving vacancies behind them that are attainable. One of the better entry level positions in the field for those who have the aptitude and the desire is the PC Repair Technician.


Our program is one of the most inexpensive, one of the best equipped, and moves at a reasonable pace: not so fast that the student can do nothing but cram, and not so slow that the program takes forever to complete. A student starting with the Introduction to Microcomputer Service and Maintenance class can expect to complete the program in as little as 8 months depending on class availability and scheduling.

For more information, you can speak with an advisor or get the details of our Microcomputer Repairer/Installer Certification Program or check out the general information for the Introduction to Microcomputer Service and Maintenance classes for the upcoming semester.

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