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";endscores += "Incorrect: " + answrong + "
";endscores += "Percentage: " + Math.floor((ansright/(ansright + answrong))*100);endscores += "%
";myP[1].innerHTML="TEST OVER!";myEl[0].innerHTML=endscores;FORM1.B0.disabled=1;FORM1.B1.disabled=1;FORM1.B2.disabled=1;}function Choose(){navigate("");}function GoStart(){history.go(0);ClrRadios();}function ClrRadios(){FORM1.Q1[0].checked=false;FORM1.Q1[1].checked=false;FORM1.Q1[2].checked=false;FORM1.Q1[3].checked=false;}FORM1.B0.onclick=GoBack;FORM1.B1.onclick=CheckIt;FORM1.B2.onclick=GoNext;FORM1.B4.onclick=GoStart;FORM1.B5.onclick=CheckScore;FORM1.B6.onclick=Choose;var count=0;var ansright=0;var answrong=0;var q=new Array();var ans=new Array();var a=new Array();var b=new Array();var c=new Array();var d=new Array();q[0]="What is the definition of a computer?";a[0]="A. Inputs data processes it and outputs information";b[0]="B. Complex digital circuit that performs millions of calculations per second";c[0]="C. Any machine equipped with a large data storage device";d[0]="D. Any interactive machine that has a monitor and a keyboard";ans[0]="0";q[1]="What is added to the definition of the modern electronic computer?";a[1]="A. Graphical User Interface";b[1]="B. microprocessor";c[1]="C. storage";d[1]="D. specialization";ans[1]="2";q[2]="What are the two main categories of modern digital computer?";a[2]="A. General and special purpose";b[2]="B. General and specific purpose";c[2]="C. Generic and Name brand";d[2]="D. Installation level and small";ans[2]="0";q[3]="Which of the following is not a special purpose computer?";a[3]="A. digital calculator";b[3]="B. car engine monitor and control computer";c[3]="C. missile guidance computer";d[3]="D. mainframe computer";ans[3]="3";q[4]="Which statement best describes general purpose computers?";a[4]="A. installation level";b[4]="B. most powerful computer the day it is manufactured";c[4]="C. small version of a mainframe";d[4]="D. can be reprogrammed to do anything that a computer can do";ans[4]="3";q[5]="Which statement best describes a mainframe?";a[5]="A. installation level";b[5]="B. most powerful computer the day it is manufactured";c[5]="C. small version of a mainframe";d[5]="D. can be reprogrammed to do anything that a computer can do";ans[5]="0";q[6]="What two market forces made the IBM PC so successful?";a[6]="A. open architecture and universal compatibility";b[6]="B. open architecture and backwards compatibility";c[6]="C. universal compatibility and backwards compatibility";d[6]="D. none of the above";ans[6]="1";q[7]="What feature is unique to the microcomputer class of general purpose computer?";a[7]="A. Very inexpensive";b[7]="B. Very small";c[7]="C. Single user design";d[7]="D. All of the above";ans[7]="3";q[8]="What does the term "installation level" mean?";a[8]="A. The computer must be properly installed in order to function";b[8]="B. The computer can only be installed by the manufacturer";c[8]="C. The computer only functions well for large installations";d[8]="D. Large installations are devoted entirely to the computer";ans[8]="3";q[9]="Digital electronic computers perform operations natively on numbers in what number system?";a[9]="A. Decimal";b[9]="B. Digital";c[9]="C. Binary";d[9]="D. Hexadecimal";ans[9]="2";q[10]="What two basic types of numeric values does the computer operate on?";a[10]="A. Binary and Decimal";b[10]="B. Digital and Analog";c[10]="C. Data and Code";d[10]="D. Special and General purpose";ans[10]="2";q[11]="A complete stream of numeric data stored on the hard drive is called a:";a[11]="A. root";b[11]="B. partition";c[11]="C. directory";d[11]="D. file";ans[11]="3";q[12]="The largest logical organization or comtainer of information on the hard drive is called a:";a[12]="A. root";b[12]="B. partition";c[12]="C. directory";d[12]="D. file";ans[12]="1";q[13]="The logical organization or container that is used to hold files or more of these containers is:";a[13]="A. root";b[13]="B. partition";c[13]="C. directory";d[13]="D. file";ans[13]="2";q[14]="What component is in fact the computer itself?";a[14]="A. The hard drive";b[14]="B. The motherboard";c[14]="C. The RAM";d[14]="D. The microprocessor";ans[14]="3";q[15]="What differentiates "the PC" from "a pc"?";a[15]="A. was introduced by Apple Computers and featured an integrated keyboard and monitor";b[15]="B. is a small affordable general purpose computer intended for the general public";c[15]="C. is a small affordable computer based on the x86 CPU and a specific motherboard design";d[15]="D. is any small affordable computer based on a single processor motherboard design";ans[15]="2";q[16]="The component that features high capacity magnetic storage capacity is:";a[16]="A. 3 1/2 in. hard drive";b[16]="B. 3 1/2 in. floppy drive";c[16]="C. 5 1/4 in. floppy drive";d[16]="D. 5 1/4 in. CD-ROM drive";ans[16]="0";q[17]="The definition of electricity is:";a[17]="A. gathering of free electrons in a body";b[17]="B. negatively charged electrons";c[17]="C. moving electrons";d[17]="D. movement of excess free electrons from one body to another";ans[17]="2";q[18]="The definition of electrostatic potential is:";a[18]="A. gathering of free electrons in a body";b[18]="B. negatively charged electrons";c[18]="C. moving electrons";d[18]="D. movement of excess free electrons from one body to another";ans[18]="0";q[19]="The definition of electrostatic discharge is:";a[19]="A. gathering of free electrons in a body";b[19]="B. negatively charged electrons";c[19]="C. moving electrons";d[19]="D. movement of excess free electrons from one body to another";ans[19]="3";q[20]="All electrons have the same charge and so:";a[20]="A. they accumulate at the center of a body";b[20]="B. they accumulate at a point on the surface of a body";c[20]="C. they redistribute over the body constantly";d[20]="D. they distribute evenly across the surface of the body";ans[20]="3";q[21]="ESD causes:";a[21]="A. Over 2 billion dollars worth of damage to OEM returned items annually";b[21]="B. Latent as well as catestrophic damage to integrated circuits";c[21]="C. Neither A or B";d[21]="D. Both A and B";ans[21]="3";q[22]="What inexpensive, easy-to-use, common tool can prevent ESD damage to PC components?";a[22]="A. AC outlet tester";b[22]="B. #2 Phillips screwdriver";c[22]="C. IC chip puller";d[22]="D. anti-static wrist strap";ans[22]="3";q[23]="What inexpensive, easy-to-use, common tool can ensure that the proper antistatic protocol will send the ESD safely to ground?";a[23]="A. AC outlet tester";b[23]="B. #2 Phillips screwdriver";c[23]="C. IC chip puller";d[23]="D. anti-static wrist strap";ans[23]="0";q[24]="The most convenient way to attach to Earth ground is:";a[24]="A. attach a wire to the center tap screw of the outlet plate";b[24]="B. attach the anti-static wrist strap to the bare metal of the case";c[24]="C. plug the power cable into a known properly wired outlet";d[24]="D. Both B and C";ans[24]="3";q[25]="What two environmental conditions commonly found where computers are used contribute to ESD?";a[25]="A. Low humidity and carpeting";b[25]="B. High humidity and carpeting";c[25]="C. Low humidity and flourescent lighting";d[25]="D. High humidity and flourescent lighting";ans[25]="0";q[26]="If a short circuit occurs in the power supply, what prevents the antistatic wrist strap from delivering a serious shock?";a[26]="A. It's attachment directly to Earth ground";b[26]="B. A clean and dry environment";c[26]="C. Insulated gloves and shoes";d[26]="D. A 1 Megohm resistor within the strap";ans[26]="3";q[27]="The average person will not notice an ESD from the fingertip unless it is at least:";a[27]="A. 2V";b[27]="B. 20V";c[27]="C. 200V";d[27]="D. 2000V";ans[27]="3";q[28]="What two common substances have a high dielectric constant (easily build up electrostatic potential)?";a[28]="A. Rubber and Synthetic fibers";b[28]="B. Hair and Paper";c[28]="C. Neither A or B";d[28]="D. Both A and B";ans[28]="3";q[29]="Name two properties of metals that are the result of their unusual outer electron shell behavior.";a[29]="A. Conductivity and Hardness";b[29]="B. Malleability and large pure Crystals";c[29]="C. Ductility and shiny appearance";d[29]="D. Nonconductive and thermal conductivity";ans[29]="2";q[30]="Power is the measure of:";a[30]="A. Energy";b[30]="B. Energy flow per unit of time";c[30]="C. Work";d[30]="D. Work done per unit of time";ans[30]="3";q[31]="The sixth binary place value is the:";a[31]="A. eights place";b[31]="B. sixteens place";c[31]="C. thirty-twos place";d[31]="D. sixty-fours place";ans[31]="2";q[32]="Each hexadecimal digit converts directly into a:";a[32]="A. 2 bit binary number";b[32]="B. 4 digit decimal number";c[32]="C. 4 bit binary number";d[32]="D. none of the above";ans[32]="2";q[33]="Convert 1Mbps into KB/sec:";a[33]="A. 125KB/sec";b[33]="B. 128KB/sec";c[33]="C. 1KB/sec";d[33]="D. 1024KB/sec";ans[33]="0";q[34]="A millionth of a second is a:";a[34]="A. millisecond";b[34]="B. microsecond";c[34]="C. nanosecond";d[34]="D. picosecond";ans[34]="1";q[35]="A micron is:";a[35]="A. one millionth of a second";b[35]="B. One millionth of a meter";c[35]="C. One millionth of a hertz";d[35]="D. None of the above";ans[35]="1";q[36]="The physical unit of a Megahertz is:";a[36]="A. millionths of a second";b[36]="B. millions per second";c[36]="C. seconds per million";d[36]="D. none of the above";ans[36]="1";q[37]="0x90 is what in binary?";a[37]="A. 01110000";b[37]="B. 10000";c[37]="C. 10010";d[37]="D. 10010000";ans[37]="3";q[38]="10100000 is what in decimal?";a[38]="A. 192";b[38]="B. 128";c[38]="C. 160";d[38]="D. none of the above";ans[38]="2";q[39]="Transistors are solid state:";a[39]="A. amplifiers";b[39]="B. switches";c[39]="C. semiconductors";d[39]="D. all of the above ";ans[39]="3";q[40]="The voltage at the Base connection of the transistor controls the current flow through which junction?";a[40]="A. Collector-to-Emitter";b[40]="B. Base-to-Emitter";c[40]="C. Collector-to-Base";d[40]="D. none of the above";ans[40]="0";q[41]="A P-type switching transistor:";a[41]="A. is "on" until input is applied to the Base";b[41]="B. is "off" until input is applied to the Base";c[41]="C. Has a positive-negative-positive sandwich of semiconductor materials";d[41]="D. Both A and C";ans[41]="3";q[42]="Which of the one bit boolean algebraic statements is false?";a[42]="A. 0 or 0 = 0";b[42]="B. 0 and 0 = 0";c[42]="C. 0 xor 0 = 0";d[42]="D. not 0 = 0";ans[42]="3";q[43]="Which of the following boolean algebraic statements is true?";a[43]="A. 0 or 1 = 0";b[43]="B. 0 and 1 = 0";c[43]="C. 0 xor 1 = 0";d[43]="D. not 1 = 0";ans[43]="3";q[44]="Which external peripheral is not necessary to complete an MPC specification computer?";a[44]="A. Display";b[44]="B. Mouse";c[44]="C. Speaker";d[44]="D. Scanner";ans[44]="3";q[45]="Which internal peripheral is not necessary to complete an MPC specification computer?";a[45]="A. PCI-Express x16 video controller";b[45]="B. Blu-ray optical drive";c[45]="C. SATA hard drive";d[45]="D. none of the above is necessary";ans[45]="3";q[46]="Which internal peripheral is necessary to complete an MPC specification computer?";a[46]="A. floppy disk drive";b[46]="B. USB flash drive";c[46]="C. Blu-ray optical drive";d[46]="D. hard disk drive";ans[46]="3";q[47]="Which external peripheral is necessary to complete an MPC specification computer?";a[47]="A. USB flash drive";b[47]="B. Printer";c[47]="C. Scanner";d[47]="D. Speaker";ans[47]="3";q[48]="Deprecated technologies are:";a[48]="A. Still made but no longer supported";b[48]="B. No longer made but still supported";c[48]="C. No longer made and no longer supported";d[48]="D. Still made and still supported";ans[48]="1";q[49]="Obsolete technologies are:";a[49]="A. Still made but no longer supported";b[49]="B. No longer made but still supported";c[49]="C. No longer made and no longer supported";d[49]="D. Still made and still supported";ans[49]="2";q[50]="Which of the following features do AT and ATX power supplies have in common?";a[50]="A. power supply-to-motherboard connectors";b[50]="B. available voltages";c[50]="C. type of power switch";d[50]="D. power supply-to-drive connectors";ans[50]="3";q[51]="Which of the following features are different between AT and ATX power supplies?";a[51]="A. AC power cord connector";b[51]="B. available voltages";c[51]="C. power supply-to-drive connectors";d[51]="D. automatic shutdown when there is no load";ans[51]="1";q[52]="Convert ACh to decimal:";a[52]="A. 22";b[52]="B. 160";c[52]="C. 170";d[52]="D. 172";ans[52]="3";q[53]="bit is:";a[53]="A. A single binary digit";b[53]="B. Unit of measure usually used for serial data transfer rates";c[53]="C. Latching socket that requires no pressure to be exerted on the CPU to install or remove it";d[53]="D. API provided by HIMEM.SYS that allows programs to use memory above the 1MB limit";ans[53]="0";q[54]="bps is:";a[54]="A. A single binary digit";b[54]="B. Unit of measure usually used for serial data transfer rates";c[54]="C. Latching socket that requires no pressure to be exerted on the CPU to install or remove it";d[54]="D. API provided by HIMEM.SYS that allows programs to use memory above the 1MB limit";ans[54]="1";q[55]="bus is:";a[55]="A. A group of wires each of which carries a significant digit of a single large binary number";b[55]="B. Data is moved forward from a slower storage technology into this";c[55]="C. Set of circuits that interface the CPU itself with the rest of the computer system";d[55]="D. An 8-bit binary number";ans[55]="0";q[56]="byte is:";a[56]="A. A group of wires each of which carries a significant digit of a single large binary number";b[56]="B. Data is moved forward from a slower storage technology into this";c[56]="C. Set of circuits that interface the CPU itself with the rest of the computer system";d[56]="D. An 8-bit binary number";ans[56]="3";q[57]="chipset is:";a[57]="A. A group of wires each of which carries a significant digit of a single large binary number";b[57]="B. Data is moved forward from a slower storage technology into this";c[57]="C. Set of circuits that interface the CPU itself with the rest of the computer system";d[57]="D. An 8-bit binary number";ans[57]="2";q[58]="computer is:";a[58]="A. Bit stored with the data that forces the number of ones to be either odd or even";b[58]="B. Software that contains the algorithm to compress or decompress a data stream on-the-fly";c[58]="C. Any system that inputs data processes the data and outputs information";d[58]="D. The main circuit board of the PC to which the CPU is attached";ans[58]="2";q[59]="motherboard is:";a[59]="A. Bit stored with the data that forces the number of ones to be either odd or even";b[59]="B. Software that contains the algorithm to compress or decompress a data stream on-the-fly";c[59]="C. Any system that inputs data processes the data and outputs information";d[59]="D. The main circuit board of the PC to which the CPU is attached";ans[59]="3";q[60]="proprietary is:";a[60]="A. Any technology that does NOT adhere to any industry standards";b[60]="B. Storage cell in which the system can hold a number and do math/logic operations on it";c[60]="C. When an x86 CPU is running 16-bit code and using the 16-bit memory addressing scheme";d[60]="D. When an x86 CPU other than the 8088 is using its native memory addressing scheme";ans[60]="0";q[61]="The two observable differences between AT and ATX power supplies are:";a[61]="A. The AT has a physical power switch and 2 x 6-pin connectors to the motherboard";b[61]="B. The ATX has a physical power switch and 1 x 20-pin connector to the motherboard";c[61]="C. The AT has a logical power switch and 1 x 20-pin connector to the motherboard";d[61]="D. The ATX has a logical power switch and 2 x 6-pin connectors to the motherboard";ans[61]="0";q[62]="Convert 1101b to Hexadecimal:";a[62]="A. 9";b[62]="B. 13";c[62]="C. C";d[62]="D. D";ans[62]="3";q[63]="What was the first CPU used in the IBM PC?";a[63]="A. 8086";b[63]="B. 8088";c[63]="C. 80186";d[63]="D. None of these.";ans[63]="1";q[64]="The two main components that make the IBM PC unique from all other computers are:";a[64]="A. The hard drive controller and the amount and type of RAM";b[64]="B. The hard drive geometry and the floppy drives";c[64]="C. The CPU and the motherboard architecture";d[64]="D. The RTC and the serial ports";ans[64]="2";q[65]="The component that features high capacity optical storage is:";a[65]="A. 3 1/2 in. hard drive";b[65]="B. 3 1/2 in. floppy drive";c[65]="C. 5 1/4 in. floppy drive";d[65]="D. 5 1/4 in. CD-ROM drive";ans[65]="3";q[66]="Which of the following separates the IBM PC from other personal computers?";a[66]="A. The motherboard architecture";b[66]="B. The expansion bus";c[66]="C. The power supply";d[66]="D. The storage devices";ans[66]="0";q[67]="When connecting a standard AT power supply to the motherboard be sure that:";a[67]="A. The single 20-pin connector can only attach one way";b[67]="B. The two 20-pin connectors face each other";c[67]="C. The two 6-pin connectors are attached black-to-black";d[67]="D. The two 6-pin connectors can only attach one way";ans[67]="2";q[68]="One difference between AT and ATX power supplies is:";a[68]="A. AT have a single 20-pin connector to the motherboard";b[68]="B. ATX has two 6-pin connectors to the motherboard";c[68]="C. AT has a logical power switch on the front panel";d[68]="D. AT has a physical power switch on the front panel";ans[68]="3";q[69]="What was the first computer to feature a 16-bit data bus on the motherboard?";a[69]="A. IBM PC";b[69]="B. IBM XT";c[69]="C. IBM AT";d[69]="D. Generic ATX";ans[69]="2";q[70]="Due to improper handling and ESD damage, the industry estimates that over:";a[70]="A. 2 billion sensitive items like CPUs are returned annually";b[70]="B. 2 billion GB of data on moved HDDs are lost annually";c[70]="C. 2 billion operating system crashes occur annually";d[70]="D. 2 billion dollars in hardware are destroyed annually";ans[70]="3";q[71]="In order to properly use the anti-static wrist strap with an AT system:";a[71]="A. Unplug the system first";b[71]="B. Turn the system on so the active circuits can absorb excess static";c[71]="C. Be sure that the outlet is properly grounded";d[71]="D. Discharge elsewhere then attach the strap to the case";ans[71]="2";q[72]="Why are extra steps needed in effectively using the anti-static strap with ATX systems?";a[72]="A. The processors and circuits are all newer technologies and are more susceptible to ESD damage";b[72]="B. The power supplies are newer technology and far more susceptible to ESD damage";c[72]="C. The ATX power supply never actually turns completely off some circuits remain active";d[72]="D. The ATX motherboard has active buses even when off, detaching active devices can destroy them";ans[72]="3";q[73]="What external peripheral can be plugged and unplugged from a system safely?";a[73]="A. Monitor";b[73]="B. Keyboard";c[73]="C. Mouse";d[73]="D. USB device";ans[73]="3";q[74]="form factor is:";a[74]="A. the size of the device expressed as a factor of 2";b[74]="B. the storage capacity of the device expressed as a factor of 2";c[74]="C. the data transfer rate of the device expressed as a factor of 2";d[74]="D. none of the above";ans[74]="3";q[75]="The MPC '97 Specification was developed to:";a[75]="A. Ensure that hardware and software would be 100% compatible";b[75]="B. Ensure that all hardware components would be 100% compatible with each other";c[75]="C. Ensure that all name brand end-user PC's would have the same capabilities";d[75]="D. Ensure that all end-user components would have 100% compatible device drivers";ans[75]="2";q[76]="The first and easiest test of any power supply is:";a[76]="A. Use a digital multimeter to test for proper voltage outputs";b[76]="B. Use an AC outlet checker to test for proper input voltages";c[76]="C. Use an anti-static wrist strap and properly discharge it to ground";d[76]="D. See if its internal fan is spinning";ans[76]="3";q[77]="Which of the following were introduced in the ATX power supplies?";a[77]="A. Power supply to motherboard connector that cannot be accidentally reversed";b[77]="B. Pressurized cooling system";c[77]="C. Generates +3.3VDC";d[77]="D. All of the Above";ans[77]="3";q[78]="Which of the following was not introduced with the ATX power supply? ";a[78]="A. Cooling fan rotated 90°ree; to blow across the CPU";b[78]="B. Under the control of software like the operating system";c[78]="C. POWER_GOOD signal sent to motherboard when it has stabilized";d[78]="D. Single keyed 20-pin power supply to motherboard connector";ans[78]="2";q[79]="Which MPC '97 Specification component forces the user to choose two other components while choosing it?";a[79]="A. motherboard";b[79]="B. CPU";c[79]="C. RAM";d[79]="D. video controller";ans[79]="0";q[80]="What are the two basic categories of the computer case?";a[80]="A. AT and ATX";b[80]="B. PC and AT/ATX";c[80]="C. Desktop and Tower";d[80]="D. None of the Above";ans[80]="2";q[81]="Why did tower cases become popular?";a[81]="A. Roomier interior";b[81]="B. Reduced footprint";c[81]="C. Both A and B";d[81]="D. Neither A or B";ans[81]="2";q[82]="Which is not included in the minimum required parts to boot up and enter the BIOS?";a[82]="A. video controller";b[82]="B. RAM";c[82]="C. hard drive";d[82]="D. CPU";ans[82]="2";q[83]="If the power supply fan has failed why should the entire power supply be replaced instead of just the fan?";a[83]="A. power supply circuitry has been running hot for unknown time and can have latent damage";b[83]="B. technician hourly rate versus cost of the power supply justifies replacement not repair";c[83]="C. power supply failures are the most difficult to diagnose, replacement avoids the hassle";d[83]="D. All of the above";ans[83]="3";q[84]="What Intel CPU introduced a patented mounting system preventing third party CPU vendors from manufacturing replacement processors for these motherboards?";a[84]="A. Pentium";b[84]="B. Pentium MMX";c[84]="C. Pentium II";d[84]="D. Such a restriction does not exist";ans[84]="2";q[85]="What general purpose expansion bus gradually but finally suceeded in replacing the original?";a[85]="A. EISA";b[85]="B. VESA";c[85]="C. PCI";d[85]="D. AGP";ans[85]="2";q[86]="What recently developed general purpose expansion bus is intended to gradually replace PCI?";a[86]="A. MCA";b[86]="B. VESA";c[86]="C. AGP 8x";d[86]="D. PCI-Express";ans[86]="3";q[87]="A modern system supporting good graphics would need a video controller that attaches to which expansion slot?";a[87]="A. PCI";b[87]="B. AGP 8x";c[87]="C. PCI-Express x16";d[87]="D. Either B or C";ans[87]="3";q[88]="Once CPU mounting systems separated the processors, what motherboard components evolved away from each other?";a[88]="A. expansion buses";b[88]="B. integrated peripherals";c[88]="C. internal peripherals";d[88]="D. chipsets";ans[88]="3";q[89]="What RAM technology was developed specifically by AMD for their chipsets and processors?";a[89]="A. DDR";b[89]="B. RAMBus";c[89]="C. SDRAM";d[89]="D. None of the Above";ans[89]="0";q[90]="What RAM technology was developed specifically by Intel for their chipsets and processors?";a[90]="A. DDR";b[90]="B. RAMBus";c[90]="C. SDRAM";d[90]="D. None of the Above";ans[90]="1";q[91]="Why might a floppy disk drive still be included in a modern PC?";a[91]="A. High capacity removable storage";b[91]="B. It is the only way to startup the system for the first time";c[91]="C. Can be used to create bootable optical discs";d[91]="D. It can transport data that cannot be moved any other way";ans[91]="2";q[92]="What Internet connectivity device can be installed in the modern PC that will support the most Internet communication technologies?";a[92]="A. external DSL transceiver";b[92]="B. external Cable "modem"";c[92]="C. internal DSL transceiver";d[92]="D. internal network interface card";ans[92]="3";q[93]="What component could include every internal component except the drives and still allow the PC to meet all of the MPC '97 Specification?";a[93]="A. the microprocessor";b[93]="B. the motherboard";c[93]="C. the system case";d[93]="D. None of the above can do this";ans[93]="1";q[94]="Electrons will flow from the positive pole of a battery:";a[94]="A. to any other negative pole";b[94]="B. to any other positive pole";c[94]="C. to any point connected to ground";d[94]="D. none of the above";ans[94]="2";q[95]="Ground is provided to the computer by:";a[95]="A. the center hole in the three hole wall outlet";b[95]="B. the thick blade hole of the three hole wall outlet";c[95]="C. the thin blade hole of the three hole wall outlet";d[95]="D. none of the above";ans[95]="0";q[96]="The power supply attaches wall outlet ground to:";a[96]="A. the ground lines of all of its power connectors";b[96]="B. its own external chassis";c[96]="C. the entire computer case chassis";d[96]="D. all of the above";ans[96]="3";q[97]="The BIOS EEPROM chip can be programmed with:";a[97]="A. 16 volts";b[97]="B. 27 volts";c[97]="C. 110 volts";d[97]="D. none of the above";ans[97]="1";q[98]="The CMOS RAM chip runs on:";a[98]="A. 5 volts";b[98]="B. 24 volts";c[98]="C. 110 volts";d[98]="D. none of the above";ans[98]="0";q[99]="NPN switching transistors:";a[99]="A. turn "on" when input is applied to the Base";b[99]="B. control a circuit flowing through the Collector-Emitter junction";c[99]="C. Emitter symbol has the arrow pointing outward from the Base";d[99]="D. All of the above";ans[99]="3";