function CheckIt(action){var i=ans[count];if(!action){if(FORM1.Q1[i].checked){alert("Correct!");}else{alert("Incorrect.");answrong++;}}else{FORM1.Q1[i].checked ? ansright++ : answrong++;}}function CheckScore(){alert("CORRECT: " + ansright + "\nINCORRECT: " + answrong);}function GoBack(){var myEl = document.getElementsByTagName("p");var mySpans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");var qnum = 0;tmpstr="";count--;qnum = count + 1;if(count < 0){count=0;alert("This is the first question!");return;}tmpstr = " " + qnum + ". " + q[count];myEl[1].innerHTML=tmpstr;mySpans[0].innerHTML=a[count];mySpans[1].innerHTML=b[count];mySpans[2].innerHTML=c[count];mySpans[3].innerHTML=d[count];}function GoNext(){var myEl = document.getElementsByTagName("p");var mySpans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");var qnum=0;tmpstr="";CheckIt(1);count++;qnum=count+1;if(count > 99){TestOver();return;}tmpstr=" " + qnum + ". " + q[count];myEl[1].innerHTML=tmpstr;mySpans[0].innerHTML=a[count];mySpans[1].innerHTML=b[count];mySpans[2].innerHTML=c[count];mySpans[3].innerHTML=d[count];ClrRadios();}function TestOver(){var myEl = document.getElementsByTagName("div");var myP = document.getElementsByTagName("p");var endscores = 'Correct: ' + ansright + "
";endscores += "Incorrect: " + answrong + "
";endscores += "Percentage: " + Math.floor((ansright/(ansright + answrong))*100);endscores += "%
";myP[1].innerHTML="TEST OVER!";myEl[0].innerHTML=endscores;FORM1.B0.disabled=1;FORM1.B1.disabled=1;FORM1.B2.disabled=1;}function Choose(){navigate("");}function GoStart(){history.go(0);ClrRadios();}function ClrRadios(){FORM1.Q1[0].checked=false;FORM1.Q1[1].checked=false;FORM1.Q1[2].checked=false;FORM1.Q1[3].checked=false;}FORM1.B0.onclick=GoBack;FORM1.B1.onclick=CheckIt;FORM1.B2.onclick=GoNext;FORM1.B4.onclick=GoStart;FORM1.B5.onclick=CheckScore;FORM1.B6.onclick=Choose;var count=0;var ansright=0;var answrong=0;var q=new Array();var ans=new Array();var a=new Array();var b=new Array();var c=new Array();var d=new Array();q[0]="AGP is:";a[0]="A. First expansion bus found on the IBM PC";b[0]="B. Special high speed expansion bus slot for video cards";c[0]="C. High speed 32-bit/64-bit general purpose expansion bus ";d[0]="D. Basic design specification making all modern video cards compatible";ans[0]="1";q[1]="ISA is:";a[1]="A. First expansion bus found on the IBM PC";b[1]="B. Special high speed expansion bus slot for video cards";c[1]="C. High speed 32-bit/64-bit general purpose expansion bus ";d[1]="D. Basic design specification making all modern video cards compatible";ans[1]="0";q[2]="PCI is:";a[2]="A. First expansion bus found on the IBM PC";b[2]="B. Special high speed expansion bus slot for video cards";c[2]="C. High speed 32-bit/64-bit general purpose expansion bus ";d[2]="D. Basic design specification making all modern video cards compatible";ans[2]="2";q[3]="VGA is:";a[3]="A. First expansion bus found on the IBM PC";b[3]="B. Special high speed expansion bus slot for video cards";c[3]="C. High speed 32-bit/64-bit general purpose expansion bus ";d[3]="D. Basic design specification making all modern video cards compatible";ans[3]="3";q[4]="AMR is:";a[4]="A. Expansion slot for attaching the external connector for the integrated sound card";b[4]="B. Program code embedded in a chip on the motherboard";c[4]="C. Industry standard specification covering power supplies";d[4]="D. The standard code used to store plain text in the PC";ans[4]="0";q[5]="ASCII is:";a[5]="A. Expansion slot for attaching the external connector for the integrated sound card";b[5]="B. Program code embedded in a chip on the motherboard";c[5]="C. Industry standard specification covering power supplies";d[5]="D. The standard code used to store plain text in the PC";ans[5]="3";q[6]="ATX is:";a[6]="A. Expansion slot for attaching the external connector for the integrated sound card";b[6]="B. Program code embedded in a chip on the motherboard";c[6]="C. Industry standard specification covering power supplies";d[6]="D. The standard code used to store plain text in the PC";ans[6]="2";q[7]="BIOS is:";a[7]="A. Expansion slot for attaching the external connector for the integrated sound card";b[7]="B. Program code embedded in a chip on the motherboard";c[7]="C. Industry standard specification covering power supplies";d[7]="D. The standard code used to store plain text in the PC";ans[7]="1";q[8]="COM is:";a[8]="A. Logical name for the serial communications port";b[8]="B. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC serial port";c[8]="C. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC keyboard";d[8]="D. Term refering to computer data flow to and from peripheral devices";ans[8]="0";q[9]="DBx is:";a[9]="A. Logical name for the serial communications port";b[9]="B. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC serial port";c[9]="C. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC keyboard";d[9]="D. Term refering to computer data flow to and from peripheral devices";ans[9]="1";q[10]="DINx is:";a[10]="A. Logical name for the serial communications port";b[10]="B. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC serial port";c[10]="C. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC keyboard";d[10]="D. Term refering to computer data flow to and from peripheral devices";ans[10]="0";q[11]="I/O is:";a[11]="A. Logical name for the serial communications port";b[11]="B. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC serial port";c[11]="C. Standard electronics industry external connector used for the PC keyboard";d[11]="D. Term refering to computer data flow to and from peripheral devices";ans[11]="0";q[12]="Kb is:";a[12]="A. Thousands bits";b[12]="B. Millions bits";c[12]="C. Logical name for the parallel port";d[12]="D. Expansion device for attaching the PC to a network";ans[12]="0";q[13]="LPT is:";a[13]="A. Thousands bits";b[13]="B. Millions bits";c[13]="C. Logical name for the parallel port";d[13]="D. Expansion device for attaching the PC to a network";ans[13]="2";q[14]="Mb is:";a[14]="A. Thousands bits";b[14]="B. Millions bits";c[14]="C. Logical name for the parallel port";d[14]="D. Expansion device for attaching the PC to a network";ans[14]="1";q[15]="NIC is:";a[15]="A. Thousands bits";b[15]="B. Millions bits";c[15]="C. Logical name for the parallel port";d[15]="D. Expansion device for attaching the PC to a network";ans[15]="3";q[16]="LED is:";a[16]="A. Component used for front panel visual indicators";b[16]="B. A bus tied directly to the pins of the 486 processor";c[16]="C. High speed RAM that uses 6 transistors per bit";d[16]="D. Parity is a form of this";ans[16]="0";q[17]="RDRAM is:";a[17]="A. Memory technology and module developed by Intel";b[17]="B. Standard external expansion connector used by networking devices";c[17]="C. Required by manufacturers in order to return an item for replacement";d[17]="D. Electronics industry standard for serial communication";ans[17]="0";q[18]="RJ-45 is:";a[18]="A. Memory technology and module developed by Intel";b[18]="B. Standard external expansion connector used by networking devices";c[18]="C. Required by manufacturers in order to return an item for replacement";d[18]="D. Electronics industry standard for serial communication";ans[18]="1";q[19]="RMA is:";a[19]="A. Memory technology and module developed by Intel";b[19]="B. Standard external expansion connector used by networking devices";c[19]="C. Required by manufacturers in order to return an item for replacement";d[19]="D. Electronics industry standard for serial communication";ans[19]="2";q[20]="RS-232 is:";a[20]="A. Memory technology and module developed by Intel";b[20]="B. Standard external expansion connector used by networking devices";c[20]="C. Required by manufacturers in order to return an item for replacement";d[20]="D. Electronics industry standard for serial communication";ans[20]="3";q[21]="SRAM is:";a[21]="A. Component used for front panel visual indicators";b[21]="B. A bus tied directly to the pins of the 486 processor";c[21]="C. High speed RAM that uses 6 transistors per bit";d[21]="D. Parity is a form of this";ans[21]="2";q[22]="EDC is:";a[22]="A. Component used for front panel visual indicators";b[22]="B. A bus tied directly to the pins of the 486 processor";c[22]="C. High speed RAM that uses 6 transistors per bit";d[22]="D. Parity is a form of this";ans[22]="3";q[23]="VESA is:";a[23]="A. Component used for front panel visual indicators";b[23]="B. A bus tied directly to the pins of the 486 processor";c[23]="C. High speed RAM that uses 6 transistors per bit";d[23]="D. Parity is a form of this";ans[23]="1";q[24]="OEM is:";a[24]="A. Refers to the company that made the item";b[24]="B. Another name for the monitor";c[24]="C. Holds the hardware settings needed by BIOS";d[24]="D. The First 64KB of RAM beyond the 1MB memory limit";ans[24]="0";q[25]="CMOS is:";a[25]="A. Refers to the company that made the item";b[25]="B. Another name for the monitor";c[25]="C. Holds the hardware settings needed by BIOS";d[25]="D. The First 64KB of RAM beyond the 1MB memory limit";ans[25]="2";q[26]="HMA is:";a[26]="A. Refers to the company that made the item";b[26]="B. Another name for the monitor";c[26]="C. Holds the hardware settings needed by BIOS";d[26]="D. The First 64KB of RAM beyond the 1MB memory limit";ans[26]="3";q[27]="CRT is:";a[27]="A. Refers to the company that made the item";b[27]="B. Another name for the monitor";c[27]="C. Holds the hardware settings needed by BIOS";d[27]="D. The First 64KB of RAM beyond the 1MB memory limit";ans[27]="1";q[28]="SDRAM is:";a[28]="A. Pentium generation memory whose refreshes are tied to the front side bus clock";b[28]="B. High speed memory developed by AMD that transfers two bits per clock cycle";c[28]="C. Embedded within the processor starting with the 486DX";d[28]="D. High speed memory developed for Intel processors that transfers 16-bits per clock cycle";ans[28]="0";q[29]="DDR is:";a[29]="A. Pentium generation memory whose refreshes are tied to the front side bus clock";b[29]="B. High speed memory developed by AMD that transfers two bits per clock cycle";c[29]="C. Embedded within the processor starting with the 486DX";d[29]="D. High speed memory developed for Intel processors that transfers 16-bits per clock cycle";ans[29]="1";q[30]="FPU is:";a[30]="A. Pentium generation memory whose refreshes are tied to the front side bus clock";b[30]="B. High speed memory developed by AMD that transfers two bits per clock cycle";c[30]="C. Embedded within the processor starting with the 486DX";d[30]="D. High speed memory developed for Intel processors that transfers 16-bits per clock cycle";ans[30]="2";q[31]="RIMM is:";a[31]="A. Pentium generation memory whose refreshes are tied to the front side bus clock";b[31]="B. High speed memory developed by AMD that transfers two bits per clock cycle";c[31]="C. Embedded within the processor starting with the 486DX";d[31]="D. High speed memory developed for Intel processors that transfers 16-bits per clock cycle";ans[31]="3";q[32]="ESD is:";a[32]="A. The microprocessor";b[32]="B. Technology that allows for easy hard drive interchangeability";c[32]="C. Technology used to communicate with non-hard drives attached to the ATA controller";d[32]="D. Causes an estimated 2 billion dollars worth of component damage each year";ans[32]="3";q[33]="CPU is:";a[33]="A. The microprocessor";b[33]="B. Technology that allows for easy hard drive interchangeability";c[33]="C. Technology used to communicate with non-hard drives attached to the ATA controller";d[33]="D. Causes an estimated 2 billion dollars worth of component damage each year";ans[33]="0";q[34]="IDE is:";a[34]="A. The microprocessor";b[34]="B. Technology that allows for easy hard drive interchangeability";c[34]="C. Technology used to communicate with non-hard drives attached to the ATA controller";d[34]="D. Causes an estimated 2 billion dollars worth of component damage each year";ans[34]="1";q[35]="ATAPI is:";a[35]="A. The microprocessor";b[35]="B. Technology that allows for easy hard drive interchangeability";c[35]="C. Technology used to communicate with non-hard drives attached to the ATA controller";d[35]="D. Causes an estimated 2 billion dollars worth of component damage each year";ans[35]="2";q[36]="EEPROM is:";a[36]="A. Large capacity magnetic storage device";b[36]="B. Erasable solid state permanent storage device";c[36]="C. First and most widely used PC operating system";d[36]="D. Early version of power saving BIOS";ans[36]="1";q[37]="APM is:";a[37]="A. Large capacity magnetic storage device";b[37]="B. Erasable solid state permanent storage device";c[37]="C. First and most widely used PC operating system";d[37]="D. Early version of power saving BIOS";ans[37]="3";q[38]="HDD is:";a[38]="A. Large capacity magnetic storage device";b[38]="B. Erasable solid state permanent storage device";c[38]="C. First and most widely used PC operating system";d[38]="D. Early version of power saving BIOS";ans[38]="0";q[39]="DOS is:";a[39]="A. Large capacity magnetic storage device";b[39]="B. Erasable solid state permanent storage device";c[39]="C. First and most widely used PC operating system";d[39]="D. Early version of power saving BIOS";ans[39]="2";q[40]="AMD is:";a[40]="A. American based standards organization";b[40]="B. Microprocessor and motherboard chipset manufacturer";c[40]="C. First IBM personal computer to feature a 16-bit data bus";d[40]="D. Controller interface to the standard buses for IDE drives";ans[40]="1";q[41]="ANSI is:";a[41]="A. American based standards organization";b[41]="B. Microprocessor and motherboard chipset manufacturer";c[41]="C. First IBM personal computer to feature a 16-bit data bus";d[41]="D. Controller interface to the standard buses for IDE drives";ans[41]="0";q[42]="AT is:";a[42]="A. American based standards organization";b[42]="B. Microprocessor and motherboard chipset manufacturer";c[42]="C. First IBM personal computer to feature a 16-bit data bus";d[42]="D. Controller interface to the standard buses for IDE drives";ans[42]="2";q[43]="ATA is:";a[43]="A. American based standards organization";b[43]="B. Microprocessor and motherboard chipset manufacturer";c[43]="C. First IBM personal computer to feature a 16-bit data bus";d[43]="D. Controller interface to the standard buses for IDE drives";ans[43]="2";q[44]="CD-ROM is:";a[44]="A. A form of EDC usually stored along with the original data";b[44]="B. Small expansion slot for attaching the external connector for an integrated network card";c[44]="C. Term refering to the geometry of the HDD";d[44]="D. A high capacity reliable read-only storage technology";ans[44]="3";q[45]="CHS is:";a[45]="A. A form of EDC usually stored along with the original data";b[45]="B. Small expansion slot for attaching the external connector for an integrated network card";c[45]="C. Term refering to the geometry of the HDD";d[45]="D. A high capacity reliable read-only storage technology";ans[45]="2";q[46]="CNR is:";a[46]="A. A form of EDC usually stored along with the original data";b[46]="B. Small expansion slot for attaching the external connector for an integrated network card";c[46]="C. Term refering to the geometry of the HDD";d[46]="D. A high capacity reliable read-only storage technology";ans[46]="0";q[47]="CRC is:";a[47]="A. A form of EDC usually stored along with the original data";b[47]="B. Small expansion slot for attaching the external connector for an integrated network card";c[47]="C. Term refering to the geometry of the HDD";d[47]="D. A high capacity reliable read-only storage technology";ans[47]="0";q[48]="DIMM is:";a[48]="A. IC packaged as a small plastic rectangle with two rows of pins down opposite sides";b[48]="B. Memory module designed to prevent chip creep";c[48]="C. System resource that allows a device to transfer data to or from RAM not using the CPU";d[48]="D. Pentium generation RAM package with 168-pins and a 64-bit wide data bus";ans[48]="3";q[49]="DIP is:";a[49]="A. IC packaged as a small plastic rectangle with two rows of pins down opposite sides";b[49]="B. Memory module designed to prevent chip creep";c[49]="C. System resource that allows a device to transfer data to or from RAM not using the CPU";d[49]="D. Pentium generation RAM package with 168-pins and a 64-bit wide data bus";ans[49]="0";q[50]="DMA is:";a[50]="A. IC packaged as a small plastic rectangle with two rows of pins down opposite sides";b[50]="B. Memory module designed to prevent chip creep";c[50]="C. System resource that allows a device to transfer data to or from RAM not using the CPU";d[50]="D. Pentium generation RAM package with 168-pins and a 64-bit wide data bus";ans[50]="2";q[51]="SIPP is:";a[51]="A. IC packaged as a small plastic rectangle with two rows of pins down opposite sides";b[51]="B. Memory module designed to prevent chip creep";c[51]="C. System resource that allows a device to transfer data to or from RAM not using the CPU";d[51]="D. Pentium generation RAM package with 168-pins and a 64-bit wide data bus";ans[51]="1";q[52]="DRAM is:";a[52]="A. Keeps a row activated between memory accesses to speed up access to consecutive RAM cells";b[52]="B. RAM where each bit consists of a single transistor and a capacitor requires refreshing";c[52]="C. Memory technology that can detect errors, parity is a form of it";d[52]="D. Memory technology that can correct single bit errors";ans[52]="1";q[53]="ECC is:";a[53]="A. Keeps a row activated between memory accesses to speed up access to consecutive RAM cells";b[53]="B. RAM where each bit consists of a single transistor and a capacitor requires refreshing";c[53]="C. Memory technology that can detect errors, parity is a form of it";d[53]="D. Memory technology that can correct single bit errors";ans[53]="3";q[54]="EDO is:";a[54]="A. Keeps a row activated between memory accesses to speed up access to consecutive RAM cells";b[54]="B. RAM where each bit consists of a single transistor and a capacitor requires refreshing";c[54]="C. Memory technology that can detect errors, parity is a form of it";d[54]="D. Memory technology that can correct single bit errors";ans[54]="0";q[55]="EIDE is:";a[55]="A. Second and subsequent HDD technology that standardized a secondary ATA controller";b[55]="B. Hidden structure of the file system that maps which clusters the files are using";c[55]="C. 32-bit expansion bus that is backwards compatible to the standard 16-bit expansion bus";d[55]="D. Section of the CMOS RAM added to support PCI bus configuration settings";ans[55]="0";q[56]="EISA is:";a[56]="A. Second and subsequent HDD technology that standardized a secondary ATA controller";b[56]="B. Hidden structure of the file system that maps which clusters the files are using";c[56]="C. 32-bit expansion bus that is backwards compatible to the standard 16-bit expansion bus";d[56]="D. Section of the CMOS RAM added to support PCI bus configuration settings";ans[56]="2";q[57]="ESCD is:";a[57]="A. Second and subsequent HDD technology that standardized a secondary ATA controller";b[57]="B. Hidden structure of the file system that maps which clusters the files are using";c[57]="C. 32-bit expansion bus that is backwards compatible to the standard 16-bit expansion bus";d[57]="D. Section of the CMOS RAM added to support PCI bus configuration settings";ans[57]="3";q[58]="FAT is:";a[58]="A. Second and subsequent HDD technology that standardized a secondary ATA controller";b[58]="B. Hidden structure of the file system that maps which clusters the files are using";c[58]="C. 32-bit expansion bus that is backwards compatible to the standard 16-bit expansion bus";d[58]="D. Section of the CMOS RAM added to support PCI bus configuration settings";ans[58]="1";q[59]="FDC is:";a[59]="A. RAM enhancement that allows short bursts of high speed access to consecutive addresses";b[59]="B. Standard peripheral device from the original PC that interfaces with floppy drives";c[59]="C. Standard removable storage device from the original PC until very recently";d[59]="D. An linear array of RAM functioning like a queue";ans[59]="1 ";q[60]="FDD is:";a[60]="A. RAM enhancement that allows short bursts of high speed access to consecutive addresses";b[60]="B. Standard peripheral device from the original PC that interfaces with floppy drives";c[60]="C. Standard removable storage device from the original PC until very recently";d[60]="D. An linear array of RAM functioning like a queue";ans[60]="2";q[61]="FPM is:";a[61]="A. RAM enhancement that allows short bursts of high speed access to consecutive addresses";b[61]="B. Standard peripheral device from the original PC that interfaces with floppy drives";c[61]="C. Standard removable storage device from the original PC until very recently";d[61]="D. An linear array of RAM functioning like a queue";ans[61]="0";q[62]="FRU is:";a[62]="A. Any component that can be replaced using only a screwdriver";b[62]="B. Component that facilitates mathematically intense software like spreadsheets";c[62]="C. Precursor to EDO memory that keeps RAM row selector lines on between memory accesses";d[62]="D. The main bus that really determines the overall performance of the computer";ans[62]="3";q[63]="FSB is:";a[63]="A. Human computer dialog in which the user issues commands by selecting pictures of them";b[63]="B. Unit of measure for indicating the clock speed of modern processor cores";c[63]="C. Unit of measure for indicating modern HDD capacities";d[63]="D. The motherboard bus to which the processor directly attaches through the socket";ans[63]="3";q[64]="GB is:";a[64]="A. Human computer dialog in which the user issues commands by selecting pictures of them";b[64]="B. Unit of measure for indicating the clock speed of modern processor cores";c[64]="C. Unit of measure for indicating modern HDD capacities";d[64]="D. The motherboard bus to which the processor directly attaches through the socket";ans[64]="2";q[65]="Ghz is:";a[65]="A. Human computer dialog in which the user issues commands by selecting pictures of them";b[65]="B. Unit of measure for indicating the clock speed of modern processor cores";c[65]="C. Unit of measure for indicating modern HDD capacities";d[65]="D. The motherboard bus to which the processor directly attaches through the socket";ans[65]="1";q[66]="GUI is:";a[66]="A. Human computer dialog in which the user issues commands by selecting pictures of them";b[66]="B. Unit of measure for indicating the clock speed of modern processor cores";c[66]="C. Unit of measure for indicating modern HDD capacities";d[66]="D. The motherboard bus to which the processor directly attaches through the socket";ans[66]="0";q[67]="Hz is:";a[67]="A. System resource that provides a one-way path by which a device can signal the CPU";b[67]="B. Unit of measure of data capacity used mainly for BIOS RAM count and floppy disks";c[67]="C. Unit of measure of frequency that means number of waves or events per second";d[67]="D. Single wafer of silicon on which a large electronic circuit is manufactured";ans[67]="2";q[68]="IC is:";a[68]="A. System resource that provides a one-way path by which a device can signal the CPU";b[68]="B. Unit of measure of data capacity used mainly for BIOS RAM count and floppy disks";c[68]="C. Unit of measure of frequency that means number of waves or events per second";d[68]="D. Single wafer of silicon on which a large electronic circuit is manufactured";ans[68]="3";q[69]="IRQ is:";a[69]="A. System resource that provides a one-way path by which a device can signal the CPU";b[69]="B. Unit of measure of data capacity used mainly for BIOS RAM count and floppy disks";c[69]="C. Unit of measure of frequency that means number of waves or events per second";d[69]="D. Single wafer of silicon on which a large electronic circuit is manufactured";ans[69]="0";q[70]="KB is:";a[70]="A. System resource that provides a one-way path by which a device can signal the CPU";b[70]="B. Unit of measure of data capacity used mainly for BIOS RAM count and floppy disks";c[70]="C. Unit of measure of frequency that means number of waves or events per second";d[70]="D. Single wafer of silicon on which a large electronic circuit is manufactured";ans[70]="1";q[71]="LCD is:";a[71]="A. First semi-PnP bus used on the PS/2 IBM proprietary and licensed technology";b[71]="B. Sector of the HDD located at Cylinder 0 Head 0 Sector 1 that holds the partition tables";c[71]="C. Technology that uses the opacity toward polarized light of molecules suspended in liquid";d[71]="D. Unit of data capacity equal to 220";ans[71]="2";q[72]="MB is:";a[72]="A. First semi-PnP bus used on the PS/2 IBM proprietary and licensed technology";b[72]="B. Sector of the HDD located at Cylinder 0 Head 0 Sector 1 that holds the partition tables";c[72]="C. Technology that uses the opacity toward polarized light of molecules suspended in liquid";d[72]="D. Unit of data capacity equal to 220";ans[72]="3";q[73]="MBR is:";a[73]="A. First semi-PnP bus used on the PS/2 IBM proprietary and licensed technology";b[73]="B. Sector of the HDD located at Cylinder 0 Head 0 Sector 1 that holds the partition tables";c[73]="C. Technology that uses the opacity toward polarized light of molecules suspended in liquid";d[73]="D. Unit of data capacity equal to 220";ans[73]="1";q[74]="MCA is:";a[74]="A. First semi-PnP bus used on the PS/2 IBM proprietary and licensed technology";b[74]="B. Sector of the HDD located at Cylinder 0 Head 0 Sector 1 that holds the partition tables";c[74]="C. Technology that uses the opacity toward polarized light of molecules suspended in liquid";d[74]="D. Unit of data capacity equal to 220";ans[74]="0";q[75]="Mhz is:";a[75]="A. Unit of measure meaning one million clock cycles per second";b[75]="B. The set of programs that facilitate easy user interaction with the system";c[75]="C. Portion of the BIOS that tests all standard peripherals prior to booting the OS";d[75]="D. RAM that will not erase when the main power to the system is interrupted";ans[75]="0";q[76]="NVRAM is:";a[76]="A. Unit of measure meaning one million clock cycles per second";b[76]="B. The set of programs that facilitate easy user interaction with the system";c[76]="C. Portion of the BIOS that tests all standard peripherals prior to booting the OS";d[76]="D. RAM that will not erase when the main power to the system is interrupted";ans[76]="3";q[77]="OS is:";a[77]="A. Unit of measure meaning one million clock cycles per second";b[77]="B. The set of programs that facilitate easy user interaction with the system";c[77]="C. Portion of the BIOS that tests all standard peripherals prior to booting the OS";d[77]="D. RAM that will not erase when the main power to the system is interrupted";ans[77]="1";q[78]="POST is:";a[78]="A. Unit of measure meaning one million clock cycles per second";b[78]="B. The set of programs that facilitate easy user interaction with the system";c[78]="C. Portion of the BIOS that tests all standard peripherals prior to booting the OS";d[78]="D. RAM that will not erase when the main power to the system is interrupted";ans[78]="2";q[79]="RAM is:";a[79]="A. Scans a section of RAM and interprets the data and renders it as voltages to the monitor";b[79]="B. Array of high speed data storage cells that the CPU works directly out of";c[79]="C. A computer that possesses a small fast instruction set";d[79]="D. Caused by fluctuating voltages passing through a wire";ans[79]="1";q[80]="RJ-11 is:";a[80]="A. Developed starting in the 286 generation systems to make RAM easier to install";b[80]="B. Standard connector for telephony equipment";c[80]="C. Form of memory that is hardwired with data so that it will not erase when powered off";d[80]="D. Standard AT peripheral that keeps the Date/Time and holds the CMOS RAM cells";ans[80]="1";q[81]="ROM is:";a[81]="A. Developed starting in the 286 generation systems to make RAM easier to install";b[81]="B. Standard connector for telephony equipment";c[81]="C. Form of memory that is hardwired with data so that it will not erase when powered off";d[81]="D. Standard AT peripheral that keeps the Date/Time and holds the CMOS RAM cells";ans[81]="2";q[82]="RTC is:";a[82]="A. Developed starting in the 286 generation systems to make RAM easier to install";b[82]="B. Standard connector for telephony equipment";c[82]="C. Form of memory that is hardwired with data so that it will not erase when powered off";d[82]="D. Standard AT peripheral that keeps the Date/Time and holds the CMOS RAM cells";ans[82]="3";q[83]="SIMM is:";a[83]="A. Developed starting in the 286 generation systems to make RAM easier to install";b[83]="B. Standard connector for telephony equipment";c[83]="C. Form of memory that is hardwired with data so that it will not erase when powered off";d[83]="D. Standard AT peripheral that keeps the Date/Time and holds the CMOS RAM cells";ans[83]="0";q[84]="SMM is:";a[84]="A. A video standard that means any controller with better resolution than the preceding one";b[84]="B. Block of real mode memory that resides above the 640KB address";c[84]="C. Introduced on the 386SL when the CPU detects idle period it activates this interrupt";d[84]="D. The actual peripheral component that is a serial port on the PC";ans[84]="2";q[85]="SVGA is:";a[85]="A. A video standard that means any controller with better resolution than the preceding one";b[85]="B. Block of real mode memory that resides above the 640KB address";c[85]="C. Introduced on the 386SL when the CPU detects idle period it activates this interrupt";d[85]="D. The actual peripheral component that is a serial port on the PC";ans[85]="0";q[86]="UMB is:";a[86]="A. A video standard that means any controller with better resolution than the preceding one";b[86]="B. Block of real mode memory that resides above the 640KB address";c[86]="C. Introduced on the 386SL when the CPU detects idle period it activates this interrupt";d[86]="D. The actual peripheral component that is a serial port on the PC";ans[86]="1";q[87]="XMS is:";a[87]="A. Technology that allowed upgrading a system to another hard drive from the same OEM";b[87]="B. Real mode memory addresses above the 640KB boundary";c[87]="C. Term meaning 2^40 bytes";d[87]="D. API provided by HIMEM.SYS that allows programs to use memory above the 1MB limit";ans[87]="3";q[88]="TB is:";a[88]="A. Technology that allowed upgrading a system to another hard drive from the same OEM";b[88]="B. Real mode memory addresses above the 640KB boundary";c[88]="C. Term meaning 2^40 bytes";d[88]="D. API provided by HIMEM.SYS that allows programs to use memory above the 1MB limit";ans[88]="2";q[89]="ESDI is:";a[89]="A. Technology that allowed upgrading a system to another hard drive from the same OEM";b[89]="B. Real mode memory addresses above the 640KB boundary";c[89]="C. Term meaning 2^40 bytes";d[89]="D. API provided by HIMEM.SYS that allows programs to use memory above the 1MB limit";ans[89]="0";q[90]="UMA is:";a[90]="A. Technology that allowed upgrading a system to another hard drive from the same OEM";b[90]="B. Real mode memory addresses above the 640KB boundary";c[90]="C. Term meaning 2^40 bytes";d[90]="D. API provided by HIMEM.SYS that allows programs to use memory above the 1MB limit";ans[90]="1";q[91]="PCI is:";a[91]="A. Device that converts data stored in a block of memory into signals for the display";b[91]="B. A plug-n-play expansion bus developed by Intel for the Pentium generation systems";c[91]="C. Volatile very high speed data storage for the PC";d[91]="D. First stage of the PC Boot Sequence and part of the BIOS code";ans[91]="1";q[92]="BIOS is:";a[92]="A. Peripheral device that communicates directly with IDE devices";b[92]="B. Modification of an earlier technology originally intended to store digitized sound";c[92]="C. Industry standard for supporting optical drives on the IDE bus";d[92]="D. Holds 16-bit device drivers written for the devices in the motherboard ";ans[92]="3";q[93]="CMOS is:";a[93]="A. Used to calculate the storage the capacity of the HDD";b[93]="B. Component that is the computer itself";c[93]="C. A material used to make very low power consumption integrated circuit chips";d[93]="D. A computer that might be able to execute a machine language trigonometric function";ans[93]="2";q[94]="CPU is:";a[94]="A. Used to calculate the storage the capacity of the HDD";b[94]="B. Component that performs all of the actual data processing";c[94]="C. A material used to make very low power consumption integrated circuit chips";d[94]="D. Peripheral component that does floating point mathematical functions";ans[94]="1";q[95]="EEPROM is:";a[95]="A. Also refered to as FlashBIOS by the motherboard manufacturers";b[95]="B. Movement of electrons from the human body into the circuit boards that can destroy them";c[95]="C. Expansion bus developed by the aftermarket to compete with the proprietary IBM MCA bus";d[95]="D. Major revision of the original universal hard drive interface that fixed many weaknesses";ans[95]="0";q[96]="AT is:";a[96]="A. First IBM model to feature CMOS for holding hardware settings";b[96]="B. Effectively the U.S. branch of ISO";c[96]="C. The predecessor to the modern ACPI BIOS";d[96]="D. Transmission code used by teletypes before the PC";ans[96]="0";q[97]="DIMM is:";a[97]="A. Memory expansion card that has a double row of connectors and is inserted straight down";b[97]="B. Converts a stream of bytes into analog waves that are then heard through the speakers";c[97]="C. Actually the picture tube of televisions as well as monitors";d[97]="D. A complex parity calculation to verify that the data has not been corrupted";ans[97]="0";q[98]="DDR is:";a[98]="A. The EEPROM chip is still often packaged like this in a socket for easy replacement";b[98]="B. High speed memory technology packaged in 184-pin modules with a 64-bit wide data bus";c[98]="C. Old system resource that is too slow for use in modern hard drives";d[98]="D. Small, portable, reliable OS that can boot a failed PC from a floppy diskette";ans[98]="1";q[99]="Hz is:";a[99]="A. Available to programs due to a bug in the 286 real mode operation";b[99]="B. The original universal hard disk drive interface for the PC";c[99]="C. The actual physical component that contains thousands even millions of transistors";d[99]="D. Unit of measure that means one wave, cycle or event per second";ans[99]="3";